Why complete this test
The 10 minute progress check measures your aerobic capacity using your Maximum Minute Power (MMP), you improvement is indicated with a progressively reducing heart rate for the same cadence/ power output.
When to use the 10 minute progress check
The 10 minute progress check is a submaximal test specially designed to be less fatiguing. It’s a great test to undertake mid training plan as it allows measurement of your performance metrics whilst not being detrimental to your future training sessions.
What is the 10 minute progress check
During this check you should aim to ride at an even cadence, keeping your power even at 70% of MMP.
How to complete the 10 minute progress check
The Model B Performance Monitor has a pre-programmed 10 minute progress test. Simply follow the instructions below to get started:
1. From the main menu select workouts/ tests
2. On the test screen, select 10’ Progress
3. Input your weight in kg’s, MMP and MHR, then press enter
4. Once the progress bar has disappeared, you can start your test
5. The live display will show cadence and power and a live countdown to the end of the test.
Alternatively watch our video for a guide on how to complete the test.
How to interpret your results
Following the test, a ‘summary’ screen will automatically appear which displays:
- HR avg
- HR pk
- Power avg
- Power pk
You can press the right arrow to switch between tabs for more information.
If you miss this summary screen, don’t worry, all test data is stored and can be accessed in Recall.
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