The monitor firmware update procedure on OSX can only be performed with the Terminal application. Using a drag and drop from Finder (in the same way that you would in Windows) causes some extra files and folders to be copied to the monitor in programming mode, the monitor does not recognise these files and enters an undefined state and needs to be reset.
How to upgrade Firmware using Terminal on Apple Mac computers
1. Download the latest firmware version from the website and save it to your desktop. This can be found here and at the bottom of this article.
2. Change the file name to firmware.bin for ease of typing at a later stage. (To do this, click on the firmware, press return/enter on your keyboard and then type the new filename
3. Connect your monitor to your Mac via USB cable. Ensure it is switched off, then press and hold Enter and press the Power button and release. The screen should display 'Program Mode'. (If this is not the case, switch it off and try again). The monitor will then appear in finder as 'WattbikeWPC'
4. Open Terminal: Go to Applications > Utilities and start the terminal.
5. Erase the current firmware file in the monitor using the following command:
rm /volumes/wattbikewpc/firmware.bin
6. Now copy the new firmware file to the monitor with the following command:
cp $HOME/desktop/firmware.bin /volumes/wattbikewpc
Please note: Copying the files may take a couple of minutes. You may see the following error message, this can be ignored: cp: /Users/andy/desktop/delete/firmware.bin: could not copy extended attributes to /volumes/wattbikewpc/firmware.bin: No space left on device.
7. After doing this, your monitor will restart, and the computer will show an error message. This is due to the WPM terminating the connection with the computer. Click OK.
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